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13-17 November 2023

The partners and task partner in Serbia were visited by representatives of the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), Prof. Gašper Tavčar (project coordinator), Tine Oblak (project manager) and the expert from TH Remining Jasna Kastivnik.

The schedule was as follows:

  • The first meeting was held at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology (UNIBG-RGF - partner) on 13.11.2023 with Prof. Ivica Ristović on the topic of workshops planned for the end of 2023 and in 2024

  • Expert meeting was also organized in the city of Bor on 14.11.2023 (mining region) at the Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor. The focus was on analytical methods for minerals and some special characterization methods.

  • On 15.11.2023, a meeting with Dr. Dragan Radulović and his project co-workers took place at the Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials ITNMS (partner), focusing on separation methods.

Task partner Guča IKL was visited on 16.11.2023

- Final meeting with discussion was organized on 17.11.2023 at ITNMS together with JSI, UNIBG-RGF, ITNMS and TH Remining.

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